Happy Day

This is our official announcement, we are opening an indie bookstore in Owensboro, KY this Spring (fingers crossed)! We are currently pursuing funding for our start-up costs, and we have our eye on an available location on Parrish Ave near Moonlite BBQ. Please give us a follow for updates on our progress.

In the meantime, if you would like to support us in our journey to opening our doors, please consider ordering your next book through our Bookshop.org and Libro.fm affiliations. Check back here for regular book reviews, with affiliate links you can use to order physical, e-, and audiobooks!

We can't wait to bring you amazing reads!

Update: Hit a snag with funding, so it looks like we won’t hit our ideal date.

We are working towards starting with some popup events to start building seed money and move forward. Follow us on our socials and keep an eye out for dates, times, and locations!